Thursday 16 February 2012

Cross Cult's Worlds of DS9

Cross Cult have announced they will be releasing their German translation for the Worlds of Deep Space Nine series as six individual novels, rather than three anthologies of two, like the original English versions. All six are currently scheduled for release from July to November this year (with two volumes coming in October). They have so far released two new Martin Frei covers for the series, Book One: Cardassia - Die Lotusblüte (Cardassia: The Lotus Flower), and Book Three: Trill - Unvereinigt (Trill: Unjoined).


UPDATE: Book Five: Ferenginar - Zufriedenheit wird nicht garantiert (Ferenginar: Satisfaction is Not Guaranteed) cover too:

UPDATE 2: Book six: Dominion (Dominion: Olympus Descending):

Meanwhile Cross Cult have also revealed the final format for their Crucible poster, which they will be giving away with orders of their books:

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